Here are some questions I often get asked, if your answer isn't here reach out and i'll happily answer.

How many times a week should I practise yoga?

Even if you only practise for one hour a week, you will experience the benefits of the practise. If you can do more then great! 20 minutes here and there thats fine too.

How is yoga different to stretching?

Yoga is more than physical postures. Yoga is unique as we connect the movement to rhythm of breathe. Connecting mind body and breathe helps to direct our attention inward.

I'm not flexible- can I do yoga?

Yes! many people think you need to be flexible. Come as you are and you will find yoga practise will help you become more flexible. You can practise yoga at any weight, size or fitness level.

What do I need to begin?

Nothing in particular is needed. But its helpful to have leggings or short and a t-shirt or vest. No footwear or socks as you practise barefoot. As your practise develops you might want to buy your own yoga mat but most studios will have mats and props you can use.